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create_tag(name: str, base: type[Tag] = Tag) -> type[Tag]

Create a new PyHTML tag definition.

PyHTML already provides definitions for all standard HTML tags, so you don't need to use this unless you are using a JavaScript library that defines custom HTML elements.


Name Type Description Default
name str

the name of the tag. This is used during rendering, as <{name}> ... </{name}>.

base type[Tag]

the base class to use for the custom tag. The new tag will inherit from this base class.



Type Description

type[Tag]: a new tag definition.


Base tag class

children instance-attribute

children = flatten_list(list(children))

Children of this tag

attributes instance-attribute

attributes = filter_attributes(attributes)

Attributes of this tag


_get_tag_name() -> str

Returns the name of the tag


_get_default_attributes(given: dict[str, AttributeType]) -> dict[str, AttributeType]

Returns the default attributes for the tag given the specified attributes.

This is overridden by child classes to return a dictionary of default attributes that are applied to the class.


_get_tag_pre_content() -> Optional[str]

Return "pre-content" for the tag.

This is used by the <html> tag to add a <!DOCTYPE html> before the tag.


_render(indent: int) -> list[str]

Renders tag and its children to a list of strings where each string is a single line of output


_escape_children() -> bool

Returns whether the contents of the element should be escaped, or rendered plainly.

By default, all string content should be escaped to prevent security vulnerabilities such as XSS, but this is disabled for certain tags such as <script>.


Bases: Tag

Self-closing tags don't contain child elements


Bases: Tag

Whitespace-sensitive tags are tags where whitespace needs to be respected.