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Compatibility with PyHTML

There are some minor usage differences compared to the original PyHTML library.

Rendering of uninstantiated classes

Uninstantiated classes are only rendered if they are given as the child of an instantiated element.

>>> import pyhtml as p
<class ''>
>>> print(str(p.html(p.body(
<!DOCTYPE html>

Calling tag instances

Calling an instance of a Tag will return a new tag containing all elements of the original tag combined with the new attributes and children, but will not modify the original instance, as I found the old behaviour confusing and bug-prone.

>>> span1 = p.span("Base paragraph")
>>> span2 = span1("Extra text")
>>> span2
  Base paragraph
  Extra text
>>> span1
  Base paragraph

Spacing between tag instances

Certain tags have default spacing, which helps to avoid subtle rendering annoyances such as unwanted spaces between linked text and punctuation in paragraphs.

>>> print(str(p.p(p.a(href="")("Example website"), "!")))
<p><a href="">Example website</a>!</p>
>>> # Notice how there is no spacing between the link and the exclamation point